What alcohol is doing to your brain

Alcohol use is widespread in Australia. It’s regularly incorporated into various social activities. Being legal and easy to access throughout the country often means people don’t realise they have a problem with alcohol until it is already out of control.  … Read More

How self-sabotage is holding you back

Self-sabotage is when we take steps or work in certain patterns in our lives that prevent us from reaching our goals. This can happen actively or passively. These patterns can feel like being stuck in a frustrating cycle that’s impossible … Read More

Addiction: A Family Disease

When a loved one has an addiction, it can impact everyone around them. The changes that happen throughout the whole family are severe and afflict all those close to the person experiencing addiction.  When addiction takes hold of someone, unhealthy behaviour … Read More

Why won’t they stop using?

Many people think that all a person with an addiction has to do is stop using. They can get angry and frustrated when their loved one continues to use, even when it causes such negative consequences.  The reality is that … Read More


What is Naloxone Naloxone is a medicine that temporarily reverses the effects of opioid overdose, allowing a person to breathe and buying time for medical help to arrive. It works by blocking opioid drugs such as oxycodone, fentanyl and heroin … Read More