Santa has started packing his slay, so we wanted to share a few tips to help people stay sober over Christmas.

1) Pick up the phone.

Have a few numbers ready to call if you feel triggered. It’s amazing how speaking with another person who gets it can be just the action needed to curb a craving. Remember, you’re not a burden; you’re likely helping the other person, too, by getting them to connect.

2) Have an exit plan.

This could involve driving to an event so you can easily leave if the thought of using enters your mind. Try not to feel guilty for leaving, you showed up, and most of the time, people will not even notice you’ve left as they’ll be busy doing their own thing.

3) Attend a support group.

Try to attend one before &/or after any Christmas events, this will help ensure you’re in the right frame of mind when attending the events, so you’ll be less likely to pick up.

Remember, you’re not alone this Christmas. Reach out to friends, family, supports, & us if you want to take the next step to ensure you stay sober over Christmas. Call our rehab on 03 8738-4252 or email

Stay safe & Merry Christmas from the team at Seahaven.

3 Tips for Staying Sober Over Christmas
Article Name
3 Tips for Staying Sober Over Christmas
Santa has started packing his slay, so we wanted to share a few tips to help people experiencing addiction get through Christmas safely.
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Seahaven Private
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